Category: Movies Movie: WHAT'S WITH WHEAT

Why have we become so wheat intolerant? ‘What’s With Wheat?’ documentary investigates the growing epidemic of wheat intolerance. Why after eating wheat for thousands of years, it has been linked to many health problems.

Tens of thousands of people are suffering with ill health and don’t realise it’s a result of the food choices they are making. They often assume it is part of their genetic make-up or the fact of just getting older.

The story of wheat is the story of food, people need to become educated, knowledgeable and aware. They need to start making changes to improve the health of their children and future

A must watch for anyone who is concerned about the foods they consume or may have any kind of health concerns. Wheat can certainly be the issue for many.

SCREENING SPONSORED BY WOK and TRUE FOODS.  Their sponsorship means that tickets are half our normal price. Movie followed by discussion and Q&A. Adults $7, Children $4.

Documentary | 1hr 29mins | Exempt | Country of Origin: Australia

Pay at the door by cash or EFTPOS.

The office is open Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays between 10am and 2pm for pre-purchase of tickets.

We no longer accept reserves by phone or email.

Reserves can only be made using the web reservation system as shown below.

We accept online reserve requests up to Friday at 12 noon for weekend movies and up to 24 hours before the start of mid-week movies – provided the session isn’t already full.

Online reserves must be paid for in the time from 30 minutes before the start of a session to 15 minutes before the start.

From 15 minutes before the start they will be resold if the session is full.

Theatre doors opens 30 minutes before advertised start time. Arrive early if you want a comfy seat. There is a cafe with juice, Bundaberg drinks, plus yummy food on sale. This session is licensed so wine and beer are available.