After-school Clay Classes

For Tamariki – a 6-week clay workshop for 5-12 yo, tutored by Belinda Thomas (Mondays) and Megan Hockly (Thursdays). The theme this term is Water – students will sculpt, learn hand-building techniques and the processes involved in taking raw clay through to a finished glazed piece. Each term, this class is designed to provide appropriate content for returning and new students, ensuring that they can continue to learn and grow in their artistic abilities with material that builds upon their prior knowledge and skills. Please note: classes will run dependant on minimum numbers.

Mondays 17 Feb – 24 March, 10 students max. $160 one child/$310 two children, all materials and firing included. CLASS FULL

Thursdays 20 Feb – 27 March. 10 students max. $160 one child/$310 two children. All materials and firing included.

For Rangitahi – a 6-week clay workshop for 13+ yo, tutored by Belinda Thomas. Students will sculpt, learn hand-building techniques and the processes involved in taking raw clay through to a finished glazed piece. Each term, this class is designed to provide appropriate content for returning and new students, ensuring that they can continue to learn and grow in their artistic abilities with material that builds upon their prior knowledge and skills. Please note: classes will run dependant on minimum numbers.

Mondays 17 Feb – 24 March. 8 students max, $180 sponsored now only $90 per student. All materials and firing included.