Category: Workshops Majolica Panels

Creative Workshop with Susan Flight at the Old School Arts Centre

“Majolica  Panels” 

Learn the painterly art of majolica, a fabulous decorative technique using clay as your canvas.

Sat July 1st @ 10am – 3pm

Design and draw your planned artwork, then create the clay ‘canvas’ that will suit it best.

Sat July 15th @ 10am – 3pm

Transfer your drawings to your fired clay, glaze then use over-glazes to bring your design to life.


Cost includes: expert tuition and guidance from Susan over 2 days, all clay and glazes, plus 2 firings!

$140 (clay shed members)

$180 (non-members)

Bookings essential as spaces will be limited.

For further information or to book please contact the Old School Arts Centre

07 825 7088