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Sounds of India: SOS Music Fundraiser

Sounds of India at Raglan Old School Arts Centre
Saturday 11 July at 5pm
$40 for music, meal and first drink

Buy tickets in advance from Raglan Old School Arts Centre, 5 Stewart St, Raglan

Treat yourself to a feast of classical Indian music and fine cuisine.

Sounds of India, comprising Lester Silver (sitar) and Basant Madhur, will present some of the finest North Indian classical music. The musical pair have been playing and performing both individually and together for many years. They present a unique musical experience for audiences in New Zealand opening a window to this intriguing atmospheric music.

This was a sell-out last year so get in quick to purchase your tickets. This is a fundraiser to help keep the doors open at the Old School.

Keep an eye out for more music fundraisers in August.

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