Category: Movies Movie- MY SAILOR MY LOVE (4.30pm)

Movie- MY SAILOR MY LOVE (4.30pm)

July 16, 2023

It’s never too late to love.

Waikato Times/ Stuff Graeme Tuckett 4/5 stars "Smart and insightful, Sailor is a winner."

Irish Times 4/5 stars "It would not ... be right to describe My Sailor, My Love as any sort of soapy romance. Jimmy Karlsson and Kirsi Vikman’s screenplay fleshes out a cluster of circling characters with great incisiveness."

The Guardian 3/5 stars "Beautifully nuanced performances underpin an interesting drama that evolves from late-life romance into study of family trauma across generations."

My Sailor My Love

Howard, an unwillingly retired sea captain, withers in his isolation. When his daughter Grace hires Annie as housekeeper, he reacts with contempt and fires her as soon as he gets the chance. But realizing he misbehaved, he asks her to come back. Annie demands his respect and starts visiting Howard regularly. Howard becomes devoted to Annie’s family - with a new positive and caring attitude. He has fallen in love.

Howard and Annie making off - My Sailor My Love

When Grace comes visiting over Christmas she finds that Annie lives there and has invited her entire family to celebrate. Grace burst into tears. How dare Howard open his home to these strangers while pushing away his own daughter? Grace gets a job in the town and wants to move in with her father. But he refuses. Grace writes a letter to Annie, telling her Howard is just using her for egotistic reasons.

Howard is not the person Annie thinks he is. Now Annie doesn’t know what to believe. Grace orders Annie to leave Howard. Grace moves in with Howard to take care of him. She seeks reconciliation but Howard rejects her. Desperately he tries to contact Annie, but in vain. Finally, he tries to run away but is struck with a stroke. He is bedridden in the elderly home. Annie visits and they confirm their true love for each other. When Howard dies, Grace arrives too late to be there with him. Grace is now completely alone and grieving in the country house. When she finally calls Annie to thank her for being with Howard, she breaks down, realizing she could never reclaim Howards’ love and affection. She pulls herself together and leaves the house for a new beginning.

Director: Klaus Härö
Cast: James Cosmo, Catherine Walker, Brid Brennan

2023 PG 103 mins | Belgium, Finland, Ireland |Making Movies Oy

Our theatre is inviting; cool in summer, cosy in winter. 2K Digital Projection with Dolby 5.1 Audio.

Our volunteers open the theatre doors and box office 30 minutes before the start time of each session.

Door sales if available from 30 minutes before the start of each session. If you want to check if seats are available phone 825 0023, from 30 minutes before the start of each session.

Due to our small capacity we recommend that reserves are made using the web reservation system as shown below.

There are no allocated seats. Arrive early to get the seat that's right for you from our eclectic collection of couches, reception and other chairs.

There is a café with juice, Bundaberg drinks, popcorn plus yummy food on sale. Most sessions are licensed with wine, cider and beer available.

Pay at the door by cash or EFTPOS.

The office is open Mondays to Fridays from 10am to 2pm for pre-purchase of tickets or to pay for reserves.

We accept online reserve requests up to about 1 pm on the day of screening provided the session isn't already full.

Online reserves are available for payment from 30 minutes before the start of a session to 15 minutes before the start.

From 15 minutes before the start they will be resold if the session is full.

Whare o Tuaiwa Rickard | Eva's Room at the Old School
5 Stewart St
Raglan, Coastal Waikato 3225
New Zealand

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Online ticket sales for this event are closed.