Category: Exhibition Matariki Exhibition 2023

Matariki Exhibition 2023

July 16, 2023

Opening 10am Friday 14 July - join us for a cuppa and meet the artists.

Matariki festivities a time to reflect on the past, celebrate the present and plan for the future.  Exhibition open 10-2 14,15,16 July then weekdays 10-2 till 28 July.

Featuring seven art works to represent the history and teachings of seven of the whētu of the Matariki constellation.

A colloboration between local artists Jason Messant and Dallas Mihinui. Jason has been honing his skills in mixed media art for the past 2 years. Originally a graffiti artist/street artist, Jason has blended skills in both graphics and visual art to get the perfect marriage of his two passions. Dallas is a local mural artist who loves to engage in community projects.

All works available for sale as a silent auction.

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