Category: Workshops Homeopathy for the Family Course

Learn to use homeopathy safely for first aid and acute illnesses

Venue: The Old School Arts Centre Stewart St. Raglan

Tuesday evenings March 7th,14th,21st,28th, April 4th

Fee: $190 or $40 per night class

Tutor: Janis Beet Dip Hom (NZ) RCHom

Classical Homeopath

To register please

Phone: Karioi Clinic of Homeopathy

(07) 825 8004 or text 027 4598547


The course covers:

  • Basic homeopathic philosophy

  • Practical use and selection of remedies

  • First aid remedies for accidents, burns, sport injuries, strains and sprains, insect bites, wounds and grief

  • Fevers, coughs, colds and influenza

  • Nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea

  • Children’s common ailments, e.g. earaches and teething