Category: Other Food Control Plan Workshop

Food Control Plan Workshop

November 20, 2017

f you are in the food business industry you will already know of the changes that are currently in place fro food registration and control with the Ministry of Primary Industries and District Councils.

Our Raglan Creative Market organisers Deb and Ngawai have invited a representative from the Waikato District Council to the Old School
Monday 20th November 5.30pm 
to inform us of the changes and help us better understand our responsibilities as food vendors.

A food control plan (FCP) sets out what steps a business making or selling higher-risk foods needs to take to make safe food. You use it to identify risks, and to show how they’re being managed. It means customers will know your food is safe – and it can help you create a successful food business.

If you are interested in attending this workshop, please RSVP to book a place.

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