– April 1, 2024
5 Stewart St Raglan, Coastal Waikato 3225 New Zealand 07 825 0023
2April 2, 2024
– April 3, 2024
Whare Tapere | Upstairs in the Theatre Workshop at Old School 5 Stewart St Raglan, Coastal Waikato 3225 New Zealand 078250023
– April 3, 2024
An opportunity to connect (and be inspired by!) fellow Clay Shed members
5 Stewart St Raglan, Coastal Waikato 3225 New Zealand 07 825 0023
– April 3, 2024
Men's Circle, Wednesday 7-9pm fortnightly, restarts January 24.
Men's Group contact is John Vissers, 027 487 6127.
Whare o Tuaiwa Rickard | Eva's Room at the Old School 5 Stewart St Raglan, Coastal Waikato 3225 New Zealand 078250023
– April 4, 2024
5 Stewart St Raglan, Coastal Waikato 3225 New Zealand 07 825 0023
– April 5, 2024
The Raglan Art Group (established 1983) - first Friday of every month.
Contact Sue Webber for more information 021489944.
For many years the Raglan Art Group met in the Te Uku Hall.
They now meet at the Raglan Old School Arts Centre on the first Friday of every month.
5 Stewart St Raglan, Coastal Waikato 3225 New Zealand 07 825 0023
– April 6, 2024
This is the story of the most famous artistic rivalry of all time, the one between Borromini and Bernini, but also the story of Borromini’s rivalry with himself: a genius so absorbed by his art that he turns it into a demon that devours him from the inside forcing him to choose death to reach eternity.
Borromini deprived himself of everything to pursue a dream: to conquer Rome. It is the story of the architectural revolution of a solitary maestro who changed the appearance of Rome forever, by pushing himself to his limit, but also by battling conventions and prejudices, with the humility to learn from the past to invent the future, with the courage to pursue an idea despite knowing he would pay the price in the end.
Places and works in Rome visited in the film: Barberini Palace, St. Peter’s canopy, San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane, Sant’Andrea al Quirinale, Basilica of Saint John Lateran, Fountain of the Four Rivers in Piazza Navona, St. Peter’s colonnade, and Villa Adriana in Tivoli.
Borromini and Bernini: The Challenge for Perfection is the story of an architectural revolution carried out by a solitary genius who changed the appearance of Rome forever, by taking up a personal challenge against convention and prejudice, by having the humility to learn from the past in order to invent the future, and the courage to pursue an idea by paying the price to the full.
PRODUCER: Laura Chiara Cavalett
DIRECTOR: Giovanni Troilo
NARRATOR: Remo Anzovino
BORROMINI & BERNINI - the challenge of perfection Exempt 102 mins | Italy | Language English
Our theatre is inviting; cool in summer, cosy in winter. 2K Digital Projection with Dolby 5.1 Audio.
Our volunteers open the theatre doors and box office 30 minutes before the start time of each session.
Door sales if available from 30 minutes before the start of each session. If you want to check if seats are available phone 825 0023, from 30 minutes before the start of each session.
Due to our small capacity we recommend that reserves are made using the web reservation system as shown below.
There are no allocated seats. Arrive early to get the seat that's right for you from our eclectic collection of couches, reception and other chairs.
There is a café with juice, Bundaberg drinks, popcorn plus yummy food on sale. Most sessions are licensed with wine, cider and beer available.
Pay at the door by cash or EFTPOS.
The office is open Mondays to Fridays from 10am to 2pm for pre-purchase of tickets or to pay for reserves.
We accept online reserve requests up to about 1 pm on the day of screening provided the session isn't already full.
Online reserves are available for payment from 30 minutes before the start of a session to 15 minutes before the start.
From 15 minutes before the start they will be resold if the session is full.
Whare o Tuaiwa Rickard | Eva's Room at the Old School 5 Stewart St Raglan, Coastal Waikato 3225 New Zealand 078250023
– April 6, 2024
A Fight for Peace. A Heart at War.
The Playlist “A Stunning, Sweeping, Action-Packed Epic.”
A lay preacher arrives at a British settlement in the 1830s. His violent past is soon drawn into question and his faith put to the test, as he finds himself caught in the middle of a bloody war between Maori tribes.
PRODUCERS: Troy Lum, Andrew Mason, Robin Scholes, Te Kohe Tuhaka
DIRECTOR: Lee Tamahori
WRITERS: Lee Tamahori, Michael Bennett,Shane Danielsen
ACTORS: Guy Pearce, Dean O'Gorman, Jacqueline McKenzie, Te Kohe Tuhaka, Tioreore Ngatai-Melbourne, Antonio Te Maioha
THE CONVERT- R13 Bloody violence & cruelty 119mins | Languages English, Maori | New Zealand, Australia, UK
Our theatre is inviting; cool in summer, cosy in winter. 2K Digital Projection with Dolby 5.1 Audio.
Our volunteers open the theatre doors and box office 30 minutes before the start time of each session.
Door sales if available from 30 minutes before the start of each session. If you want to check if seats are available phone 825 0023, from 30 minutes before the start of each session.
Due to our small capacity we recommend that reserves are made using the web reservation system as shown below.
There are no allocated seats. Arrive early to get the seat that's right for you from our eclectic collection of couches, reception and other chairs.
There is a café with juice, Bundaberg drinks, popcorn plus yummy food on sale. Most sessions are licensed with wine, cider and beer available.
Pay at the door by cash or EFTPOS.
The office is open Mondays to Fridays from 10am to 2pm for pre-purchase of tickets or to pay for reserves.
We accept online reserve requests up to about 1 pm on the day of screening provided the session isn't already full.
Online reserves are available for payment from 30 minutes before the start of a session to 15 minutes before the start.
From 15 minutes before the start they will be resold if the session is full.
Whare o Tuaiwa Rickard | Eva's Room at the Old School 5 Stewart St Raglan, Coastal Waikato 3225 New Zealand 078250023
– April 7, 2024
Timothée Chalamet plays a young Willy Wonka in this story of how the chocolate kingpin met the Oompa-Loompas.
STUFF/ WAIKATO TIMES Graeme Tuckett 5/5 tars "Wonka is exactly the film you are hoping for. The writing is smart and frenetic, the jokes are genuinely funny, the sets, special effects and costumes are all awards-worthy and the cast are committed and talented."
Based on the extraordinary character at the center of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Roald Dahl’s most iconic children’s book and one of the best-selling children’s books of all time, “Wonka” tells the wondrous story of how the world’s greatest inventor, magician and chocolate-maker became the beloved Willy Wonka we know today.
CAST Timothée Chalamet, Hugh Grant, Sally Hawkins, Rowan Atkinson, Olivia Colman
WONKA PG 118 mins | USA
Our theatre is inviting; cool in summer, cosy in winter. 2K Digital Projection with Dolby 5.1 Audio.
Our volunteers open the theatre doors and box office 30 minutes before the start time of each session.
Door sales if available from 30 minutes before the start of each session. If you want to check if seats are available phone 825 0023, from 30 minutes before the start of each session.
Due to our small capacity we recommend that reserves are made using the web reservation system as shown below.
There are no allocated seats. Arrive early to get the seat that's right for you from our eclectic collection of couches, reception and other chairs.
There is a café with juice, Bundaberg drinks, popcorn plus yummy food on sale. Most sessions are licensed with wine, cider and beer available.
Pay at the door by cash or EFTPOS.
The office is open Mondays to Fridays from 10am to 2pm for pre-purchase of tickets or to pay for reserves.
We accept online reserve requests up to about 1 pm on the day of screening provided the session isn't already full.
Online reserves are available for payment from 30 minutes before the start of a session to 15 minutes before the start.
From 15 minutes before the start they will be resold if the session is full.
Whare o Tuaiwa Rickard | Eva's Room at the Old School 5 Stewart St Raglan, Coastal Waikato 3225 New Zealand 078250023
– April 7, 2024
A Fight for Peace. A Heart at War.
The Playlist “A Stunning, Sweeping, Action-Packed Epic.”
A lay preacher arrives at a British settlement in the 1830s. His violent past is soon drawn into question and his faith put to the test, as he finds himself caught in the middle of a bloody war between Maori tribes.
PRODUCERS: Troy Lum, Andrew Mason, Robin Scholes, Te Kohe Tuhaka
DIRECTOR: Lee Tamahori
WRITERS: Lee Tamahori, Michael Bennett,Shane Danielsen
ACTORS: Guy Pearce, Dean O'Gorman, Jacqueline McKenzie, Te Kohe Tuhaka, Tioreore Ngatai-Melbourne, Antonio Te Maioha
THE CONVERT- R13 Bloody violence & cruelty 119mins | Languages English, Maori | New Zealand, Australia, UK
Our theatre is inviting; cool in summer, cosy in winter. 2K Digital Projection with Dolby 5.1 Audio.
Our volunteers open the theatre doors and box office 30 minutes before the start time of each session.
Door sales if available from 30 minutes before the start of each session. If you want to check if seats are available phone 825 0023, from 30 minutes before the start of each session.
Due to our small capacity we recommend that reserves are made using the web reservation system as shown below.
There are no allocated seats. Arrive early to get the seat that's right for you from our eclectic collection of couches, reception and other chairs.
There is a café with juice, Bundaberg drinks, popcorn plus yummy food on sale. Most sessions are licensed with wine, cider and beer available.
Pay at the door by cash or EFTPOS.
The office is open Mondays to Fridays from 10am to 2pm for pre-purchase of tickets or to pay for reserves.
We accept online reserve requests up to about 1 pm on the day of screening provided the session isn't already full.
Online reserves are available for payment from 30 minutes before the start of a session to 15 minutes before the start.
From 15 minutes before the start they will be resold if the session is full.
Whare o Tuaiwa Rickard | Eva's Room at the Old School 5 Stewart St Raglan, Coastal Waikato 3225 New Zealand 078250023
– April 8, 2024
5 Stewart St Raglan, Coastal Waikato 3225 New Zealand 07 825 0023
9April 9, 2024
– April 10, 2024
Whare Tapere | Upstairs in the Theatre Workshop at Old School 5 Stewart St Raglan, Coastal Waikato 3225 New Zealand 078250023
– April 10, 2024
An opportunity to connect (and be inspired by!) fellow Clay Shed members
5 Stewart St Raglan, Coastal Waikato 3225 New Zealand 07 825 0023
– April 11, 2024
Karioi Quilts & Crafts - second Thursday of every month.
The Karioi Quilters have been making high quality, natural fibre, artistic quilts for many years. Primarily a patchwork and quilting group, the members meet to share knowledge and skills and enjoy creating in good company.
From 2023, we changed the name to Karioi Quilts and Crafts to open the group up to other crafters.
Members can work on their own projects ranging from quilts, sewing projects and you can even bring your knitting, as long as it’s not a messy craft anything goes. New members are always welcome to come along to work on their own projects and learn techniques from a group of very creative craftspeople.
Group co-ordinator is Sue Webber 021 489944
Meetings are held at the Raglan Old School Arts Centre from 10am to 1pm (sometimes 3pm if the room is available) on the second Thursday of every month. 10 sessions per year from February to December. Subscription is $30 per year which goes towards room hire.
Whare o Tuaiwa Rickard | Eva's Room at the Old School 5 Stewart St Raglan, Coastal Waikato 3225 New Zealand 078250023
Friday April 12 at Raglan Old School Arts Centre, 5 Stewart Street, Raglan. Upstairs in Whare Tapere.
Koha entry. Doors open at 7pm with Live & Local starting at 7.30pm. Bar open.
O ur popular Live & Local featuring local performers continues.
April’s Live & Local presents another great mix of Raglan acts, this time with music and stories from Brian Wilson, Freddy Limbert and Ngaronoa Renata.
Ngaronoa Renata brings another Medicine For The People set. These are always something special and feature different accompanists each time. A combination of pūrakau & oro (story-telling and sound), she will be sharing pūrakau and poetry accompanied with taonga pūoro and waiata.
Brian Wilson is making his first solo Live & Local appearance, having performed several times with ukulele group The Ragtimers and accompanied other acts with guitar and ukulele. Self-described as an aging hippy, Brian says he’ll be playing “An eclectic range of songs, some you may have heard before, but you still may not recognise them!”
Over the past 40 years you may have seen Fredmo (Freddy Limbert) behind the drums or perhaps on double bass (yes, he did start very young indeed, as long-time locals can attest). Having performed with numerous artists and bands, including on international tours, Freddy has accumulated a unique approach to music. For Live & Local Freddy says he will be “Plucking some stringed instruments and singing some songs from his travels”.
If you’re interested in performing at one of these shows, contact penni@raglanartscentre.co.nz
Live & Local presented by Raglan Old School Arts Centre is made possible with the support of Waikato District Creative Communities, Raglan Light & Sound and Mark Frost (Bayleys Real Estate)
Whare Tapere | Upstairs in the Theatre Workshop at Old School 5 Stewart St Raglan, Coastal Waikato 3225 New Zealand 078250023
13April 13, 2024
14April 14, 2024
15April 15, 2024
16April 16, 2024
– April 17, 2024
Whare Tapere | Upstairs in the Theatre Workshop at Old School 5 Stewart St Raglan, Coastal Waikato 3225 New Zealand 078250023
– April 17, 2024
An opportunity to connect (and be inspired by!) fellow Clay Shed members
5 Stewart St Raglan, Coastal Waikato 3225 New Zealand 07 825 0023
– April 17, 2024
Men's Circle, Wednesday 7-9pm fortnightly, restarts January 24.
Men's Group contact is John Vissers, 027 487 6127.
Whare o Tuaiwa Rickard | Eva's Room at the Old School 5 Stewart St Raglan, Coastal Waikato 3225 New Zealand 078250023
– April 17, 2024
Men's Circle, Wednesday 7-9pm fortnightly, restarts January 24.
Men's Group contact is John Vissers, 027 487 6127.
Whare o Tuaiwa Rickard | Eva's Room at the Old School 5 Stewart St Raglan, Coastal Waikato 3225 New Zealand 078250023
18April 18, 2024
19April 19, 2024
– April 20, 2024
Timothée Chalamet plays a young Willy Wonka in this story of how the chocolate kingpin met the Oompa-Loompas.
STUFF/ WAIKATO TIMES Graeme Tuckett 5/5 tars "Wonka is exactly the film you are hoping for. The writing is smart and frenetic, the jokes are genuinely funny, the sets, special effects and costumes are all awards-worthy and the cast are committed and talented."
Based on the extraordinary character at the center of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Roald Dahl’s most iconic children’s book and one of the best-selling children’s books of all time, “Wonka” tells the wondrous story of how the world’s greatest inventor, magician and chocolate-maker became the beloved Willy Wonka we know today.
CAST Timothée Chalamet, Hugh Grant, Sally Hawkins, Rowan Atkinson, Olivia Colman
WONKA PG 118 mins | USA
Our theatre is inviting; cool in summer, cosy in winter. 2K Digital Projection with Dolby 5.1 Audio.
Our volunteers open the theatre doors and box office 30 minutes before the start time of each session.
Door sales if available from 30 minutes before the start of each session. If you want to check if seats are available phone 825 0023, from 30 minutes before the start of each session.
Due to our small capacity we recommend that reserves are made using the web reservation system as shown below.
There are no allocated seats. Arrive early to get the seat that's right for you from our eclectic collection of couches, reception and other chairs.
There is a café with juice, Bundaberg drinks, popcorn plus yummy food on sale. Most sessions are licensed with wine, cider and beer available.
Pay at the door by cash or EFTPOS.
The office is open Mondays to Fridays from 10am to 2pm for pre-purchase of tickets or to pay for reserves.
We accept online reserve requests up to about 1 pm on the day of screening provided the session isn't already full.
Online reserves are available for payment from 30 minutes before the start of a session to 15 minutes before the start.
From 15 minutes before the start they will be resold if the session is full.
Whare o Tuaiwa Rickard | Eva's Room at the Old School 5 Stewart St Raglan, Coastal Waikato 3225 New Zealand 078250023
– April 20, 2024
A Fight for Peace. A Heart at War.
The Playlist “A Stunning, Sweeping, Action-Packed Epic.”
A lay preacher arrives at a British settlement in the 1830s. His violent past is soon drawn into question and his faith put to the test, as he finds himself caught in the middle of a bloody war between Maori tribes.
PRODUCERS: Troy Lum, Andrew Mason, Robin Scholes, Te Kohe Tuhaka
DIRECTOR: Lee Tamahori
WRITERS: Lee Tamahori, Michael Bennett,Shane Danielsen
ACTORS: Guy Pearce, Dean O'Gorman, Jacqueline McKenzie, Te Kohe Tuhaka, Tioreore Ngatai-Melbourne, Antonio Te Maioha
THE CONVERT- R13 Bloody violence & cruelty 119mins | Languages English, Maori | New Zealand, Australia, UK
Our theatre is inviting; cool in summer, cosy in winter. 2K Digital Projection with Dolby 5.1 Audio.
Our volunteers open the theatre doors and box office 30 minutes before the start time of each session.
Door sales if available from 30 minutes before the start of each session. If you want to check if seats are available phone 825 0023, from 30 minutes before the start of each session.
Due to our small capacity we recommend that reserves are made using the web reservation system as shown below.
There are no allocated seats. Arrive early to get the seat that's right for you from our eclectic collection of couches, reception and other chairs.
There is a café with juice, Bundaberg drinks, popcorn plus yummy food on sale. Most sessions are licensed with wine, cider and beer available.
Pay at the door by cash or EFTPOS.
The office is open Mondays to Fridays from 10am to 2pm for pre-purchase of tickets or to pay for reserves.
We accept online reserve requests up to about 1 pm on the day of screening provided the session isn't already full.
Online reserves are available for payment from 30 minutes before the start of a session to 15 minutes before the start.
From 15 minutes before the start they will be resold if the session is full.
Whare o Tuaiwa Rickard | Eva's Room at the Old School 5 Stewart St Raglan, Coastal Waikato 3225 New Zealand 078250023
– April 21, 2024
2024 OSCAR winner Da’Vine Joy Randolph (Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role) with 2024 Golden Globe winner Paul Giamatti (Best Male actor) as a cranky history teacher at a prep school, forced to remain on campus over the holidays with a troubled student who has no place to go.
STUFF/ WAIKATO TIMES Graeme Tuckett 5/5 stars "Da'Vine Joy Randolph (The United States vs Billie Holiday) takes on the role of chef and confidant Mary, and burns the screen down in a couple of key scenes. The Holdovers is a marvel."
From acclaimed director Alexander Payne, THE HOLDOVERS follows a bad tempered instructor (Paul Giamatti) at a prestigious American school who is forced to remain on campus during Christmas break to babysit the handful of students with nowhere to go. Eventually he forms an unlikely bond with one of them -- a damaged, brainy troublemaker (newcomer Dominic Sessa) -- and with the school’s head cook, who has just lost a son in Vietnam (Da’Vine Joy Randolph).
DIRECTED BY Alexander Payne
CAST Paul Giamatti, Da'Vine Joy Randolph, Dominic Sessa
Our theatre is inviting; cool in summer, cosy in winter. 2K Digital Projection with Dolby 5.1 Audio.
Our volunteers open the theatre doors and box office 30 minutes before the start time of each session.
Door sales if available from 30 minutes before the start of each session. If you want to check if seats are available phone 825 0023, from 30 minutes before the start of each session.
Due to our small capacity we recommend that reserves are made using the web reservation system as shown below.
There are no allocated seats. Arrive early to get the seat that's right for you from our eclectic collection of couches, reception and other chairs.
There is a café with juice, Bundaberg drinks, popcorn plus yummy food on sale. Most sessions are licensed with wine, cider and beer available.
Pay at the door by cash or EFTPOS.
The office is open Mondays to Fridays from 10am to 2pm for pre-purchase of tickets or to pay for reserves.
We accept online reserve requests up to about 1 pm on the day of screening provided the session isn't already full.
Online reserves are available for payment from 30 minutes before the start of a session to 15 minutes before the start.
From 15 minutes before the start they will be resold if the session is full.
Whare o Tuaiwa Rickard | Eva's Room at the Old School 5 Stewart St Raglan, Coastal Waikato 3225 New Zealand 078250023
– April 22, 2024
Books from local authors, all for sale. Come along to connect, support, learn, enjoy, taste, read and prepare to be inspired. 10am - 2pm. Closed Anzac Day.
5 Stewart St Raglan, Coastal Waikato 3225 New Zealand 07 825 0023
– April 23, 2024
Books from local authors, all for sale. Come along to connect, support, learn, enjoy, taste, read and prepare to be inspired. 10am - 2pm. Closed Anzac Day.
5 Stewart St Raglan, Coastal Waikato 3225 New Zealand 07 825 0023
– April 23, 2024
Are you interested in joining a writing critique group? This can be a fantastic way to improve your writing skills and receive valuable feedback from fellow writers. Join Ann Neville on Tuesday 23 April at 7pm to discuss forming a supportive and constructive group where we can learn from each other and grow in our craft. Koha entry.
5 Stewart St Raglan, Coastal Waikato 3225 New Zealand 07 825 0023
– April 24, 2024
Books from local authors, all for sale. Come along to connect, support, learn, enjoy, taste, read and prepare to be inspired. 10am - 2pm. Closed Anzac Day.
5 Stewart St Raglan, Coastal Waikato 3225 New Zealand 07 825 0023
– April 24, 2024
Whare Tapere | Upstairs in the Theatre Workshop at Old School 5 Stewart St Raglan, Coastal Waikato 3225 New Zealand 078250023
– April 24, 2024
An opportunity to connect (and be inspired by!) fellow Clay Shed members
5 Stewart St Raglan, Coastal Waikato 3225 New Zealand 07 825 0023
– April 24, 2024
A Whaingaroa Writers world event. An Inside View: Major (Retired) Lindsay Amner spent a total of 34 years serving in both the New Zealand and Australian armies. He served ten years as a soldier in the Royal New Zealand Infantry Regiment, ending as a sergeant, before completing a Masters degree in Strategic Studies and being commissioned as an Education Officer in the Royal New Zealand Army Education Corps. Having filled every role available to a New Zealand education officer, including Curator of the National Army Museum, the Senior Army Education Advisor and the Army Historian, Lindsay transferred to the Australian Army and spent ten years in various education roles, ending as the editor of the Australian Army Journal. Lindsay retired in 2018 and enjoys the life of a country gent with his wife, Ninette, on their riverside property in Whatawhata.
Lindsay owns one of the best collections of the New Zealand Official War Histories and will talk about how this unique series of books came to be. Many of these books are extremely rare today, some with print runs of only 500 copies. Lindsay will bring a number of the more interesting books and use them to illustrate his discussion of the landings and some of the more significant battles of the Gallipoli campaign on the night before Anzac Day.
Koha entry.
5 Stewart St Raglan, Coastal Waikato 3225 New Zealand 07 825 0023
– April 25, 2024
Books from local authors, all for sale. Come along to connect, support, learn, enjoy, taste, read and prepare to be inspired. 10am - 2pm. Closed Anzac Day.
5 Stewart St Raglan, Coastal Waikato 3225 New Zealand 07 825 0023
– April 26, 2024
Books from local authors, all for sale. Come along to connect, support, learn, enjoy, taste, read and prepare to be inspired. 10am - 2pm. Closed Anzac Day.
5 Stewart St Raglan, Coastal Waikato 3225 New Zealand 07 825 0023
– April 26, 2024
A Whaingaroa Writers World event - As part of the program we are excited to include a new book club in the schedule. The Old School Readers Club is open to anyone who wants to share the joy of reading with others on a general theme. The first one will be held Friday 26 April at 10.30-12.30 with the theme of ‘Any book related to Raglan Whaingaroa’
5 Stewart St Raglan, Coastal Waikato 3225 New Zealand 07 825 0023
– April 26, 2024
A Whaingaroa Writers World event - As part of the program we are excited to include a new book club in the schedule. The Old School Readers Club is open to anyone who wants to share the joy of reading with others on a general theme. The first one will be held Friday 26 April at 10.30-12.30 with the theme of ‘Any book related to Raglan Whaingaroa’
5 Stewart St Raglan, Coastal Waikato 3225 New Zealand 07 825 0023
– April 26, 2024
In Eva's Room at Old School Arts Centre, 5 Stewart St, Raglan. Last Friday of the month. Bring a board if you have one.
Social event hosted by Dermot Murtagh. P 027 44 55 232. E dermotmpm@xtra.co.nz
Whare o Tuaiwa Rickard | Eva's Room at the Old School 5 Stewart St Raglan, Coastal Waikato 3225 New Zealand 078250023
– April 26, 2024
A Whaingaroa Writers World event. Local historian, Elizabeth Amoore, a third generation Raglanite, loves history, and she particularly enjoys researching the history of this area. Come and hear about methods Liz used over a period of more than two years, as she painstakingly researched the East Street cemetery in order to try and identify those buried there. Her book ‘The Stories Behind the Headstones’ is no dull tome of boring facts but an enlightening look at the lives of early settlers, through the telling of their stories and the use of numerous photographs. Liz believes that by reading about their lives we are better able to understand the social context of how individuals and communities experienced previous eras, as well as the impact events had on them. Koha entry.
5 Stewart St Raglan, Coastal Waikato 3225 New Zealand 07 825 0023
– April 27, 2024
Books from local authors, all for sale. Come along to connect, support, learn, enjoy, taste, read and prepare to be inspired. 10am - 2pm. Closed Anzac Day.
5 Stewart St Raglan, Coastal Waikato 3225 New Zealand 07 825 0023
– April 27, 2024
A Whaingaroa Writers World event. Join Barbara Day for a tour of our wonderful museum. Barbara will talk about the history of the museum and its exhibits. The exhibits illustrate domestic, rural and town life in Raglan, mainly during the early twentieth century and the surfing culture that developed from the late 20th century. The servicemen and -women of the Raglan district who served in the military and the contribution Raglan made, from the Boer War to the Second World War are commemorated. Come and see exhibits about Eva Rickard and the Raglan Golf Course Dispute, Te Horea Bird Family Collection, Old Technology, the TB Hill apothecary collection, and so much more
– April 27, 2024
Our Soldiers Story of Survival, Hope and Redemption
X-Press magazine 6.5/10 “A solid addition to the list of Australian war films, Before Dawn puts us in the muddy boots of the diggers in France.”
Based on real life war diaries, Before Dawn is an epic retelling of one of Australia’s biggest victories during WW1. Jim Collins, a young man from the outback, leaves his family-run sheep station to join the ANZAC and fight on the western front with hopes of making a difference.
Soon, the realities of the muddy, ruthless, and entirely unforgiving war takes its toll on Jim. As the men in the battalion are whittled away and hope becomes a distant memory, a final chance at redemption at the Battle of the Hindenburg Line, one of Australia’s greatest WW1 military victories. Jim must risk death or forever carry the burden of leaving yet another man behind.
DIRECTOR: Jordon Prince-Wright
WRITERS: Jarrard Russell
ACTORS: Levi Miller, Travis Jeffery, Peter Sullivan, Myles Pollard, Jordan Dulieu, Ed Oxenbould, Stephen Peacocke, Tim Franklin
BEFORE DAWN M 100mins | Australia
Our theatre is inviting; cool in summer, cosy in winter. 2K Digital Projection with Dolby 5.1 Audio.
Our volunteers open the theatre doors and box office 30 minutes before the start time of each session.
Door sales if available from 30 minutes before the start of each session. If you want to check if seats are available phone 825 0023, from 30 minutes before the start of each session.
Due to our small capacity we recommend that reserves are made using the web reservation system as shown below.
There are no allocated seats. Arrive early to get the seat that's right for you from our eclectic collection of couches, reception and other chairs.
There is a café with juice, Bundaberg drinks, popcorn plus yummy food on sale. Most sessions are licensed with wine, cider and beer available.
Pay at the door by cash or EFTPOS.
The office is open Mondays to Fridays from 10am to 2pm for pre-purchase of tickets or to pay for reserves.
We accept online reserve requests up to about 1 pm on the day of screening provided the session isn't already full.
Online reserves are available for payment from 30 minutes before the start of a session to 15 minutes before the start.
From 15 minutes before the start they will be resold if the session is full.
Whare o Tuaiwa Rickard | Eva's Room at the Old School 5 Stewart St Raglan, Coastal Waikato 3225 New Zealand 078250023
– April 28, 2024
Books from local authors, all for sale. Come along to connect, support, learn, enjoy, taste, read and prepare to be inspired. 10am - 2pm. Closed Anzac Day.
5 Stewart St Raglan, Coastal Waikato 3225 New Zealand 07 825 0023
– April 28, 2024
Our Soldiers Story of Survival, Hope and Redemption
X-Press magazine 6.5/10 “A solid addition to the list of Australian war films, Before Dawn puts us in the muddy boots of the diggers in France.”
Based on real life war diaries, Before Dawn is an epic retelling of one of Australia’s biggest victories during WW1. Jim Collins, a young man from the outback, leaves his family-run sheep station to join the ANZAC and fight on the western front with hopes of making a difference.
Soon, the realities of the muddy, ruthless, and entirely unforgiving war takes its toll on Jim. As the men in the battalion are whittled away and hope becomes a distant memory, a final chance at redemption at the Battle of the Hindenburg Line, one of Australia’s greatest WW1 military victories. Jim must risk death or forever carry the burden of leaving yet another man behind.
DIRECTOR: Jordon Prince-Wright
WRITERS: Jarrard Russell
ACTORS: Levi Miller, Travis Jeffery, Peter Sullivan, Myles Pollard, Jordan Dulieu, Ed Oxenbould, Stephen Peacocke, Tim Franklin
BEFORE DAWN M 100mins | Australia
Our theatre is inviting; cool in summer, cosy in winter. 2K Digital Projection with Dolby 5.1 Audio.
Our volunteers open the theatre doors and box office 30 minutes before the start time of each session.
Door sales if available from 30 minutes before the start of each session. If you want to check if seats are available phone 825 0023, from 30 minutes before the start of each session.
Due to our small capacity we recommend that reserves are made using the web reservation system as shown below.
There are no allocated seats. Arrive early to get the seat that's right for you from our eclectic collection of couches, reception and other chairs.
There is a café with juice, Bundaberg drinks, popcorn plus yummy food on sale. Most sessions are licensed with wine, cider and beer available.
Pay at the door by cash or EFTPOS.
The office is open Mondays to Fridays from 10am to 2pm for pre-purchase of tickets or to pay for reserves.
We accept online reserve requests up to about 1 pm on the day of screening provided the session isn't already full.
Online reserves are available for payment from 30 minutes before the start of a session to 15 minutes before the start.
From 15 minutes before the start they will be resold if the session is full.
Whare o Tuaiwa Rickard | Eva's Room at the Old School 5 Stewart St Raglan, Coastal Waikato 3225 New Zealand 078250023
29April 29, 2024
30April 30, 2024
– May 1, 2024
Whare Tapere | Upstairs in the Theatre Workshop at Old School 5 Stewart St Raglan, Coastal Waikato 3225 New Zealand 078250023
– May 1, 2024
An opportunity to connect (and be inspired by!) fellow Clay Shed members
5 Stewart St Raglan, Coastal Waikato 3225 New Zealand 07 825 0023
– May 1, 2024
Men's Circle, Wednesday 7-9pm fortnightly, restarts January 24.
Men's Group contact is John Vissers, 027 487 6127.
Whare o Tuaiwa Rickard | Eva's Room at the Old School 5 Stewart St Raglan, Coastal Waikato 3225 New Zealand 078250023
2May 2, 2024
– May 3, 2024
The Raglan Art Group (established 1983) - first Friday of every month.
Contact Sue Webber for more information 021489944.
For many years the Raglan Art Group met in the Te Uku Hall.
They now meet at the Raglan Old School Arts Centre on the first Friday of every month.
5 Stewart St Raglan, Coastal Waikato 3225 New Zealand 07 825 0023
– May 4, 2024
Are you clay-curious? Spend a couple of hours making vases with Justine’s expert guidance. Will your vases be elegant, quirky or traditional? It’s up to you!
Book online here
5 Stewart St Raglan, Coastal Waikato 3225 New Zealand 07 825 0023
– May 4, 2024
Find Your Purpose. Make A Difference
The Observer 3/4 “ You can’t ignore the value of a film that finally makes you feel good about the world.”
Hilary Swank leads this drama inspired by the true story of a hairdresser who single-handedly rallies an entire community to help a widowed father save his critically ill young daughter.
Sharon Steves (Swank) is a fierce but struggling hairdresser in small-town Kentucky who discovers a renewed sense of purpose when she meets Ed Schmitt (Alan Ritchson), a widower working hard to make ends meet for his two daughters. With his youngest daughter waiting for a liver transplant, Sharon sets her mind to helping the family and will move mountains to do it. What unfolds is the inspiring tale of faith, everyday miracles, and ordinary angels.
WRITERS: Meg Tilly, Kelly Fremon Craig
ACTORS: Amy Acker, Alan Ritchson Hilary Swank, Nancy Travis, Tamala Jones, Drew Powell, Skywalker Hughes, Emily Mitchell
ORDINARY ANGELS PG, Coarse language 118 mins USA
Our theatre is inviting; cool in summer, cosy in winter. 2K Digital Projection with Dolby 5.1 Audio.
Our volunteers open the theatre doors and box office 30 minutes before the start time of each session.
Door sales if available from 30 minutes before the start of each session. If you want to check if seats are available phone 825 0023, from 30 minutes before the start of each session.
Due to our small capacity we recommend that reserves are made using the web reservation system as shown below.
There are no allocated seats. Arrive early to get the seat that's right for you from our eclectic collection of couches, reception and other chairs.
There is a café with juice, Bundaberg drinks, popcorn plus yummy food on sale. Most sessions are licensed with wine, cider and beer available.
Pay at the door by cash or EFTPOS.
The office is open Mondays to Fridays from 10am to 2pm for pre-purchase of tickets or to pay for reserves.
We accept online reserve requests up to about 1 pm on the day of screening provided the session isn't already full.
Online reserves are available for payment from 30 minutes before the start of a session to 15 minutes before the start.
From 15 minutes before the start they will be resold if the session is full.
Whare o Tuaiwa Rickard | Eva's Room at the Old School 5 Stewart St Raglan, Coastal Waikato 3225 New Zealand 078250023
– May 4, 2024
Filmmaker Kym Staton directs this crowdfunded documentary on Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks, and the global impact of his work.
Awards include: Best Emerging Director at Melbourne Documentary Film Festival, Best First-Time Director at the Cine Paris Film Festival and official selection at Warsaw Film Festival.
'Despite being detained, silenced and hidden from public view in maximum security Belmarsh Prison, multi-award-winning Australian journalist and publisher Julian Assange has become one of the loudest voices for free speech of our times... The Trust Fall: Julian Assange examines the meaning and significance of the insights that WikiLeaks shared with the world, the resulting behaviour of the governments involved, the extraordinary personal risk taken by Assange, and the wider fundamental issues around press freedom that affect all of us and our right to know.' (Official synopsis).
PRODUCER: Kym Staton, Natalia Minana
WITH: Roger Waters, Julian Assange, Tom Morello, Jonathan Oldham
THE TRUST FALL - Julian Assange Doc. Exempt 128 mins | Australia | Language English
Our theatre is inviting; cool in summer, cosy in winter. 2K Digital Projection with Dolby 5.1 Audio.
Our volunteers open the theatre doors and box office 30 minutes before the start time of each session.
Door sales if available from 30 minutes before the start of each session. If you want to check if seats are available phone 825 0023, from 30 minutes before the start of each session.
Due to our small capacity we recommend that reserves are made using the web reservation system as shown below.
There are no allocated seats. Arrive early to get the seat that's right for you from our eclectic collection of couches, reception and other chairs.
There is a café with juice, Bundaberg drinks, popcorn plus yummy food on sale. Most sessions are licensed with wine, cider and beer available.
Pay at the door by cash or EFTPOS.
The office is open Mondays to Fridays from 10am to 2pm for pre-purchase of tickets or to pay for reserves.
We accept online reserve requests up to about 1 pm on the day of screening provided the session isn't already full.
Online reserves are available for payment from 30 minutes before the start of a session to 15 minutes before the start.
From 15 minutes before the start they will be resold if the session is full.
Whare o Tuaiwa Rickard | Eva's Room at the Old School 5 Stewart St Raglan, Coastal Waikato 3225 New Zealand 078250023
– May 5, 2024
Based on the book ‘If It’s Not Impossible…’ by BARBARA WINTON
Official Selection:
Toronto International Film Festival
BFI London Film Festival
Radio NZ Dan Slevin "Sir Anthony Hopkins carries this moving drama about one of the 20th century’s unsung heroes."
ONE LIFE tells the inspiring true story of Sir Nicholas ‘Nicky’ Winton, whose unsung endeavours on the eve of World War II saved more than 600 children from their doom. Nicky considered himself a banker, not a humanitarian. Yet when he visited a recently annexed Prague in 1938 and saw the state of the fleeing Jewish refugees, he did what he believed was the right thing to do – the thing that anyone would do – and dedicated himself to the cause. War was approaching, and it was a race against time. How many children could he liberate before it ran out?
Fifty years later, it’s 1988 and Nicky is haunted by the fate of the children he wasn’t able to help. And so it’s not until he’s surprised by the survivors on live television that he can accept that when facing devastating atrocities, saving even one life is a victory, and the British public learn the truth about the hero hidden in their midst.
DIRECTOR: James Hawes
WRITER: Lucinda Coxon, Nick Drake
CAST: Sir Anthony Hopkins, Johnny Flynn, Helena Bonham Carter, Jonathan Pryce, Romola Garai, Alex Sharp, Lena Olin
ONE LIFE PG 2023, 109 mins | UK | Language English
Our theatre is inviting; cool in summer, cosy in winter. 2K Digital Projection with Dolby 5.1 Audio.
Our volunteers open the theatre doors and box office 30 minutes before the start time of each session.
Door sales if available from 30 minutes before the start of each session. If you want to check if seats are available phone 825 0023, from 30 minutes before the start of each session.
Due to our small capacity we recommend that reserves are made using the web reservation system as shown below.
There are no allocated seats. Arrive early to get the seat that's right for you from our eclectic collection of couches, reception and other chairs.
There is a café with juice, Bundaberg drinks, popcorn plus yummy food on sale. Most sessions are licensed with wine, cider and beer available.
Pay at the door by cash or EFTPOS.
The office is open Mondays to Fridays from 10am to 2pm for pre-purchase of tickets or to pay for reserves.
We accept online reserve requests up to about 1 pm on the day of screening provided the session isn't already full.
Online reserves are available for payment from 30 minutes before the start of a session to 15 minutes before the start.
From 15 minutes before the start they will be resold if the session is full.
Whare o Tuaiwa Rickard | Eva's Room at the Old School 5 Stewart St Raglan, Coastal Waikato 3225 New Zealand 078250023
– May 5, 2024
The revolution is underground.
SIX INCHES OF SOIL premiered at COP28 in Dubai on Saturday 9th December 2023
Country & Town House Jenny Jeffries "Six Inches Of Soil is a brand new film being released this autumn about the inspiring story of British farmers standing up against the industrial food system and transforming the way they produce food – to heal the soil, benefit our health and provide for local communities. Six Inches of Soil is a story of courage, vision and hope."
The inspiring story of British farmers standing up against the industrial food system and transforming the way they produce food - to heal the soil, benefit our health and provide for local communities.
PRODUCER: Claire Mackenzie
SIX INCHES OF SOIL Doc. Exempt 90 mins | UK | Language English
Our theatre is inviting; cool in summer, cosy in winter. 2K Digital Projection with Dolby 5.1 Audio.
Our volunteers open the theatre doors and box office 30 minutes before the start time of each session.
Door sales if available from 30 minutes before the start of each session. If you want to check if seats are available phone 825 0023, from 30 minutes before the start of each session.
Due to our small capacity we recommend that reserves are made using the web reservation system as shown below.
There are no allocated seats. Arrive early to get the seat that's right for you from our eclectic collection of couches, reception and other chairs.
There is a café with juice, Bundaberg drinks, popcorn plus yummy food on sale. Most sessions are licensed with wine, cider and beer available.
Pay at the door by cash or EFTPOS.
The office is open Mondays to Fridays from 10am to 2pm for pre-purchase of tickets or to pay for reserves.
We accept online reserve requests up to about 1 pm on the day of screening provided the session isn't already full.
Online reserves are available for payment from 30 minutes before the start of a session to 15 minutes before the start.
From 15 minutes before the start they will be resold if the session is full.
Whare o Tuaiwa Rickard | Eva's Room at the Old School 5 Stewart St Raglan, Coastal Waikato 3225 New Zealand 078250023